Wasitora takes flight!

wasitora banner.png

For the past half year or so, I’ve been tinkering with my Reyhan/Tana brew, but the pair were – despite me having some fun with the deck – abandoned in favour of Wasitora when Commander 2017 was released. I’ve long been a fan of Jund as a colour combination in EDH, but I haven’t found a commander that speaks to me until now. I guess I have a thing for 5/4 flyers for 5. Especially when they generate card-advantage.

The Commanderwasitora
Wasitora herself is an aggressively costed evasive (doubly so) beater which doubles aseither token producer or removal, depending on board state. She lends herself to a variety of different playstyles (which attracts me to begin with) – and I’ve chosen my favourite style to play: good stuff. Though we can call it Jund Stuff for this deck.

In the lore, Wasitora is an over-protective mothering cat dragon who ends up striking a deal with Tetsuo Umezawa himself, known for being the one who actually killed Nicol Bolas. The deal was that Wasitora were to protect a village in exchange for fish. How hilarious. She also has a number of kitten dragons in the story (they are all named – look it up!), and these are represented in her ability as well as in the strangely adorable Cat Dragon tokens.

Jund Stuff
Back in 2009, during Alara/Zendikar Standard, the true deck-to-beat was Jund. It was a very powerful archetype built around generating incremental card advantage through the broken Cascade mechanic, and beat down the opponent before he could recover. The deck was capable of such crazy plays as casting Bituminous Blast cascading into Bloodbraid Elf cascading into Blightning resulting in a crushing 5-for-1. Without magical Christmasland plays, the deck was still very efficient. Here’s an example list from the 2009 world championships:

Standard Jund 2009

Notably, all of the deck’s threats are generating card advantage aside Putrid Leech (which was just plain good). All of the other spells in the deck are either efficient removal, card-advantage machines, or both.

After rotating out of Standard, Jund continued to dominate in Modern eventually resulting in Bloodbraid Elf getting banned in 2013. The deck was different to its Standard counterpart, of course, but retained the same philosophy: grind your opponents out by generating card advantage and putting pressure on them at the same time.

What I mean to say by this long-wided reasoning is that I’ve tried to retain the same philosophy with my deck. I started out in the wrong direction, I think, but I’ve shifted to a more effective way to build and play the deck. To sum it up, I’ve created a pair of simple thesis statements, here’s my original and revamped versions:

Original thesis statement
“Play ramp, card draw, beaters, and efficient answers to everything threatening to my heros downfallposition.”

This looks good on paper. It’s got everything. However, it led me down the wrong path since the original build had too many one-for-one answers. This is fine in 1 vs. 1 Magic, if I trade a piece of removal for your creature we’re both out one card each. However, if I do the same thing to one opponent in a four-player game, I’m out a card and the unlucky opponent is out a card while in the mean time the two other opponents are having the time of their life since they have two opponents out a card each with no expense to their own.

I spent two nights getting my ass handed to me but didn’t let it get to me. The deck was brand new, I was heading in a different direction than most other Wasitora decks I’d seen – many others were playing dragon tribal, essentially a worse version of Scion of the Ur-Dragon but with slightly better mana.

Revamped thesis statement
“Play ramp, card draw, beaters, and efficient answers – but make sure that most of the cards in the deck will trade better than one-for-one.”


This might seem like a small change, but the difference in philosophy has a huge impact on how the deck plays out. Instead of trading one-for-one as someone tried to threaten my board position, life total, or similar, which was a net loss in the end for the reasons stated above, I was trading two-for-one or even three-for-one. Fleshbag Marauder here is a good example of a creature that was in the original deck list, and has stayed since the revamped thesis statement was introduced, the amount of spot removal has gone down a lot. I’ve kept a few of the best pieces – Beast Within and Chaos Warp to name two that have stayed because of awesome flexibility.

The thesis statement is reflected on the creatures too of course – a fair few of them are able to generate card advantage on their own – Grave Titan and Inferno Titan are both in the deck and both are able to generate card advantage while also being big, excellent threats. Another quite recent addition is Overseer of the Damned who is in himself a three-for-one while also playing well with Wasitora and the other pieces of removal in the deck.

The list
I could go on and list the engine cards that make the deck tick – the most powerful being the ramp cards and the pair of Survival of the Fittest and Birthing Pod. I think you get the idea anyway. Here is a link to my latest up-to-date list and that’s where I’ll make changes as the deck gets updated. It’s playing quite well right now, the curve feels fine for most of the time, and the deck even has a couple of wins under its belt.

That’s all for today folks! I’m looking forward to play more with Wasitora, and maybe I’ll post another update on her if the list changes a lot. I hope this post has given you some insight to my deckbuilding philosophy, and perhaps some inspiration.

What’s going on here?

city of shakar

Updating this blog is difficult these days for reasons I’ve stated before – the two main villains in the story are lack of time and lack of energy. It saddens me, but I’m not without outlet for my creative spark when it comes around.

Since the fall of 2017, I’m one of the writers of EDHREC.com, a site I’ve used and loved since it first launched. I’m proud to be a part of the team and to contribute to the site and to the community, even if I’m more restricted there than here for obvious reasons.

Click HERE to go to my own archive on EDHREC.com, and make sure to check out some of the other authors as well when you’re there.

As for this blog, it will still live, but with rare updates. I will continue to post some deck techs and I have a few other posts regarding EDH mulling in my head. If you want to be sure to not miss an update, follow me on Twitter, @Robin_Kaas. I’m excited about a deck I’m working on right now, and I’ll try and find some time to do a write-up for it here in the near future.

Stay safe out there!

The Winter Domain (Ojutai primer, pt. 2)

This is the card-by-card analysis of the string of posts I want to dedicate to this deck, although I will be brief and probably bunch cards together as needed, since some of the cards are essentially the same cards, and some exist in the deck for the exact same reason.

The lands:
I won’t go over the dual lands, since they are quite obvious. The notable omissions from the duals are Port Town, Nimbus Maze, Seachrome Coast, and Irrigated Farmland. There aren’t any notable reasons for any of these omissions, other than the fact that I don’t own these particular lands and haven’t gotten around to get them. None of them are strictly better than the duals I have in the deck anyway.

The basics are numerous in the deck, allowed by the two-colour nature of it. I use the Ojutai basic lands from Dragons of Tarkir in order to tie it all together nicely. They look pretty sweet.

It should be noted that the deck doesn’t outright need the expensive lands like the fetchlands, Tundra, and so on, but those are cards I actually do happen to have, so I’ve included them. The deck can be built much cheaper, and worrying about the manabase in a two-colour deck is overdoing it for most of the time, in my opinion. With that said, let’s have a look at some of the special lands in the deck.

Minamo, School at Water’s Edge – This is perhaps the most important land card in my deck, which is a shame since it’s getting up there in terms of price. It adds pseudo-vigilance to the Commander, which is very important, and it’s also a school, so it ties into the Commander himself flavourfully as well. It’s the land I most often get with Expedition Map.

Calciform Pools – I think that these storage lands are underplayed in the format, and I quite like them in control decks. I want to pass the turn with mana up most of the time anyway and if the lap goes around the table without me spending all of it, I might as well put a counter on this thing, to cast some of the big spells in the deck like the Draw X-cards.

Celestial Colonnade, Mishra’s Factory, Mutavault – I didn’t realize how expensive Celestial Colonnade had gotten, but the other two are at least not outrageously expensive. I think all three merit inclusion in the deck, due to three reasons: 1. They can carry the equipment in the deck in a pinch. 2. They work well as Planeswalker assassins. 3. Most importantly: they protect Ojutai from Edict effects.

The Ramp:
Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Sol Ring – All of these are awesome, since they produce more mana than they cost. Sol Ring is by far the best of the three, though. Mana Crypt is a bit risky in this kind of deck – since part of the gameplan is to play a long game, the damage really adds up. Thus, I usually don’t play it until the turn I need the extra two mana. Mana Vault allows for a turn 2 commander if I really want to paint a bull’s eye on myself, but is most often used for the large Draw X-spells.

Azorius SignetTalisman of Progress, Thought Vessel, Thran Dynamo – These serve similar purposes, though not the exact kind of purpose. The signet and the talsiman both ramp and fix my mana, both are great. I think the talismans are desperately underplayed in the format, actually, at least all the non-green one should warrant inclusion in any deck they’re allowed in. Thought Vessel is a good rock with a neat upside for the later parts of the game, and Thran Dynamo is my single high-end ramp, used solely to  cast huge spells.

Land Tax, Expedition Map, Wayfarer’s Bauble – Out of these three, only Wayfarer’s Bauble ramps technically, but the other two can be used to fix the mana by getting me whichever basic I need. Expedition Map comes with the obvious upside of getting any land, which includes all of the utility lands I discussed above. Land Tax is great, and combos with Scroll Rack, which is also in the deck.

In total, I run ten mana ramp or fixers, and 38 lands. This is usually more than enough, but it’s always best to stay cautious; I want to be able to make land drops every turn for the first five-six turns easily, and I have the spells to make use of all of my lands at all stages of the game.

In the third and final part of this analysis, I will discuss the cards I cast with the cards I listed above! Until next time!


The Problem with Pentagram

On Friday, I managed to get away from home for a couple of games of EDH with the gang. I unfortunately arrived in the middle of a game, but as one of the pilots left to do a pizza run, I got to take over and actually win the game that was in progress, through crazy shenanigans featuring a Mind’s Dilation and Clever Impersonator copying said Mind’s Dilation, and also casting someone else’s Rise of the Dark Realms twice. After the game finished, since we were five, we decided to play pentagram (or pentagon, for the less-satanicly inclined crowd). For those who might not’ve played it, it’s fairly simple: you sit around the table an imagine that you’re sitting in the pentagon-shape from the back of a Magic card. You win when the players opposite to you are eliminated, so if you’re sitting in the “green” position for example, you’re looking to kill the “blue” and the “black” players to win. In the format’s purest form, you all play with mono-coloured decks of the proper colour, but we play with whatever and randomize the seats. In essence, this is a faster way to play a five-man game, since only two player need to die in order to finish most games (sometimes three has to go), instead of four. It also leads to interesting situations around the table which doesn’t come up in regular free-for-all.

The dice were rolled, and the seats ended up like this, from my position:

White: Myself – Kess, Dissident Mage (decklist)
Blue: Grim Lavamancer – my Reyhan/Tana deck (decklist)
Black: “J” – Thraximundar good-stuff
Red: “M” – Ikra Shidiqi/Ishai tokens
Green: psykopatmullvad – Queen Marchesa ETB-abuse

(Yes, I re-built Mairsil into Kess. The deck went through more changes than I can count).

“Do you know what happens to a dragonspeaker when it’s struck by lightning?”

With this starting position, I partnered up with both the other contributors to this blog and I had to kill J and M to win the day. Luckily, J stumbled on mana early (especially blue mana) and was having a hard time getting into the game. He must’ve kept a pretty greedy hand, because he played a morph on turn three but then didn’t do much but equip a pair of Lighting Greaves onto them. I was having a pretty good start with a stacked hand of stuff ready to help either ally to deal damage, but not doing much myself. This almost went terribly awry early in the game when Grim Lavamancer cast Reyhan and elected to attack psykopatmullvad. Having your allies fighting each other in this format is never a good sign, but after some harsh words were thrown around, Grim Lavamancer elected to focus on “Project M” as we dubbed it.

Meanwhile, psykopatmullvad became monarch and I was happy with assisting Grim Lavamancer with clearing a path for him to attack into M, and since I didn’t threaten J particularly, Grim Lavamancer was free to focus all his attention on M. Like the red-green pro he is, he manages to topdeck Xenagod after a few turns, and all creatures he cast from then were huge threats. I managed to prove my conviction to Project M by not casting a Fact or Fiction at the end of psykopatmullvad’s turn, instead deciding to take my turn and Chain Lightning Ishai who became a 3/3 thanks to my spell, meaning she’d be too big to kill had I cast my Fact or Fiction as well.

As M was down to about a dozen life, J drew his first blue source, a Sunken Ruins, and could begin casting spells to disrupt Project M or the game in general. I had a Wasteland in play and had vocally debated using it to cut him off of black even earlier, but decided not to since it drew disapproving comments from both psykopatmullvad and Grim Lavamancer. A turn or so later, J managed to offend Grim Lavamancer by trying to save his other ally from death – and I was free to use my Wasteland and not draw any flak from Grim Lavamancer. Psykopatmullvad thought it was a douche move, and I completely agree, and I also hate getting Wasted or Stripped out of a colour. J took it like a champ, though.

Project M was successful right around the time J managed to use a Burnished Hart to get to double-blue but by then it was pretty much too late. My hand was stacked, and as psykopatmullvad had to try and start dealing with Grim Lavamancer, my 27/27 Consuming Aberration was free to go to town on J. The last points of damage were dealt by Kess herself along with the enters the battlefield trigger of Bogardan Hellkite for exactly lethal.

So, first paper game with the deck turned into a pretty solid victory. What’s wrong with that? Well, the wonky rules of the format variation meant that since J stumbled on mana and psykopatmullvad was content with establishing incremental card draw through monarch, Phyrexian Arena etc., Grim Lavamancer and I were free to gang up on M for a pretty long time, and as it happens, the decks played well together – Reyhan/Tana were free to spend all mana establishing threats, since I could provide removal for whatever M could stand in the way. And since Grim Lavamancer is an aggro player at heart, he went for the “start hitting someone, you gotta keep hitting the same someone” creed, and with psykopatmullvad not drawing (or not willing to spend, I’m not sure) enough answers to help his ally, we were victorious. It was a mini-2 vs 1 game within a larger game for quite some time. When that business was done, I was quite free to deal with J, seeing as how he was both stunted on mana for most of the game meaning his board was under-developed compared to mine, and lacking an ally to help him out.

This means that in a normal free-for-all game, if a player stumbles on mana enough to get behind on the board, it essentially only hurts him, but in this case, it hurt M as well, who was down an ally early in the game and facing a lot of damage from Grim Lavamancer.

The game was, all in all, enjoyable from my perspective, win or no win, and my deck played exactly as I wanted it to. I will spend a couple of post on it after finishing my Ojutai analysis.

All this aside, I like pentagram as an EDH variant. It does make for shorter games than five-man free-for-all, which can go on for hours depending on the decks participating. On paper, it leads to less diplomatic play since you’re provided with “allies” and “enemies” from the get-go, but in reality it leads to more diplomatic plays later in the game than might be expected. Like Kingdoms, it has its issues, but overall I like it over five-man free-for-all.

The Winter Dragon (Ojutai primer, pt. 1)

Though the switch between the old Tarkir timeline to the new led to the destruction of my favourite world of all time in Magic – the Khans-timeline Tarkir, it brought with it my favourite Commander of all time: Dragonlord Ojutai. As head of his eponymous clan after the downfall of all khans and the death of Shu Yun at the hands (at the breath?) of Ojutai himself, Dragonlord Ojutai is also known as “the Great Teacher”. His clan values knowledge and wisdom, as well as martial prowess, and Ojutai is the epitome of both those aspects.

This deck started off as a reaction to my friend’s project to build Dragonlord Atarka, and originally it was intended to be a school-themed deck. I’ve written about the deck’s thematic construction before (part 1, part 2, part 3), and since the deck has gone through numerous changes since, I want to focus on the deck’s function.

Why Ojutai?
Azorius is blessed with several good candidates for the command zone, whether you’re into control (Grand Arbiter Augustin IV), voltron (Bruna, Light of Alabaster, Geist of Saint Traft), blink (Brago, King Eternal), or even tribal (Sygg, River Guide, Kangee, Aerie Keeper). Ojutai steps into the ponds of both Augustin IV and Bruna by being a voltron commander of a control shell. This dual nature of the deck lends it strengths not available to other commanders: he’s better protected than Augustin IV, he’s cheaper than Bruna, and he’s better at generating card advantage than Saint Traft. This combined strength along with the nice thematic flavour of the commander makes him my choice.

Do play this deck if you:

  • Like long games.
  • Like interactive play where you’re able to answer a variety of threats.
  • Like your commander to generate cards for you.
  • Like to win with commander damage.

Do not play this deck if you:

  • Like to ramp out into huge threats.
  • Like to win quickly out of nowhere.

Basic strategy
Early game, the deck wants to make land drops and establish a board position by making land drops. I like to tap out to cast card-draw spells over holding up counter mana early game, if it likely allows me to never miss a land drop. The deck can then answer most threats presented by opponents either through the flexible removal suite or countermagic, to preserve life total for later parts of the game. In the mid-game, the deck wants to establish a card parity vs. most of the opponents, usually through Rhystic Study, or one of the Draw X cards-spells. The deck then wants to win in the late game through casting the commander and playing one of the various Vigilance enablers on him, followed by beat down.

The deck rewards, or outright needs, diplomatic play to survive the early turns of some games, against very aggressive opponents. Against all opponents, the deck will have to, and is good at, adapting to the changing board- and game states.

The Deck list:
I’ll leave you with the current deck list, as an image. Click here (TappedOut link) to see the same list but with working card tags etc.

The Greatest Teacher as of 2017-09-09


In the following posts, I will break down the deck into categories and discuss some of the card choices as needed. Until then, have a look at my themed custom play mat, drawn by my friend GrimLavamancer.

EDH deck update

Since it’s been so long since I’ve written here, I wanted to take a moment and present my current stall of decks that I play in my paper meta. Click the links on each of the decks’ names to go to my TappedOut page for each decklist. Some of the card choices might seem strange, but bear in mind that I’ve got all of the decks sleeved up at the same time, and I don’t keep a staples binder or similar system – all to save time when gaming (and because I prefer to keep my decks as-is). All of them, aside maybe the last one, are competitive within my paper meta.

The Greatest Teacher – Dragonlord Ojutai
My Dragonlord Ojutai deck is a fairly straight-forward blue-white control deck. Originally, it was built to emphasize Ojutai’s role as a teacher (since I too teach for a living), but while the theme was very easy to build, because many blue cards refer to things like knowledge or study, it has given way to the deck’s strength bit by bit. It wants to sit idle and make land drops for quite some time, cast one of the draw X-spells to get ahead on cards, and finally win through Ojutai suited up with one of the deck’s Vigilance enablers. It’s more controlling than most Ojutai lists I’ve seen, but it suits my playstyle. It’s my favourite deck ever, and I’ve made sure it’s noticed – I’ve got the custom play mat, I’ve got two of the Dragons of Tarkir prerelease Ojutai dice, the basic lands in the deck are all Dragons of Tarkir with the proper art and so on. It’s not a bad deck but it’s not a fast deck either. For quick games, I never bring this out.

Dark Necessities – Liliana, Heretical Healer
I’ve played several variants of mono-black in several formats, including EDH. Currently, my mono-black deck of choice is Liliana, Heretical Healer. I’ve tried making a fairly competitive deck that still feels a bit flavourful, and the list is my result. In short, I want to cast Liliana at an early opportunity, flip her with one of the deck’s many sacrifice outlets, and begin getting value from mostly her +2 ability. I really like that the deck makes use of some pretty far-out cards, like Geth’s Grimoire, and Blood Pet – the latter which is a pretty decent outlet that replaces the mana investment to cast it. It also sees almost no play in the format, and I find the 6th edition/Tempest art strangely cute. Unlike my historical black decks, Liliana sometimes has troubles closing games, but I like it still.

The Getaway – Reyhan, Last of the Abzan/Tana, the Bloodsower
I’m a big fan of Jund as a colour combination, but I’m not a fan of any of the available commanders. I looked over the available partners and found I liked Reyhan most in the colours which meant she had to partner with Vial Smasher, or Tana or otherwise I would be left without the Last Abzan. None of the Jund partners synch together in a completely natural way but I went with these two and took the deck down a “counter matters” route echoing my old Anafenza deck but with red over white and with a tokens sub-theme. This means the deck can go both wide and tall, which is very useful. I’ve focused on creatures that generate their own +1/+1 counters so as to not be stuck with tiny creatures not being able to grow by themselves, but there are a couple of exceptions. An obvious combo, which I didn’t see until it came up in a game, is Inferno Titan + Bow of Nylea / Mer-Ek Nightblade. The deck has many of these small interactions, which I like, and it can play long games through things like Genesis / Phyrexian Reclamation and it has access to a nice toolbox of creatures through Survival of the Fittest / Birthing Pod. My favourite cards of the deck are the cards that tend to support both the +1/+1 counter theme and the tokens theme – Bloodspore Thrinax, and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar to name a couple.

Mini Epic – Mairsil, the Pretender
My newest deck uses one of the commanders from the Commander 2017 release, and it’s the one that might be the most broken of them all. It’s pretty easy to make Mairsil into a combo machine, able to exile just a couple of cards and then generate infinite mana, mill everyone to death, and make nobody have a good time. I don’t want to do that, I want to play Magic, and as such I built a very casual take on Mairsil. Mostly because I wanted to play with Morphling again after more than a decade. I’ve also included a bunch of cards to enhance the “swiss army knife” feel of the deck – charms and commands most notably. The deck is very new and will probably go through many changes over the coming weeks.

Lastly, there’s of course Wydwen, but my Wydwen deck is currently going through an overhaul, so I’m not prepared to present a good enough list to be worth publication. It’s still the same good old deck, though – control elements, card draw, equipments, and the best Dimir commander ever printed.

Lessons in Magic and life

It’s been about a year since I last penned something here. The main reason for that just turned ten months old. Becoming a parent is by far the most rewarding and at the same time the hardest thing I have ever done. It has also seriously cut down on my free time. Thus, the little time I had left for Magic after the birth of our daughter, I’ve preferred to spend actually playing the game. The little writing I’ve done I’ve invested elsewhere. I have, however, spent a lot of time thinking about many things, and it’s difficult to disregard Magic from my thoughts. Not only because it’s the best game I’ve ever played, but it’s also, I’ve realized, a large part of my identity. For over half my life, I’ve played Magic: the Gathering, and for the most part I’ve enjoyed the game. As the game changed and my connection to it changed, so did my life. So, after lots of thought, here are four lessons I’ve learned from Magic but that’s been very useful to me as a parent.

1. Focus on what’s important.
In Magic, you can’t get anywhere without a bit of concentration. This applies to deck building, for sure, staying focused on the deck’s theme, or the deck’s path to victory, will most likely end up in a better deck. Brewing isn’t very common within most formats on the level I play, but in EDH it’s commonplace, and even though EDH lends itself to jankier builds with its inherent casual, multiplayer, fun factors – I find having a deck that’s focused and at least a bit optimized lends to a better gaming experience. Sitting down for a two-hour game where your deck consistently underperforms compared to the others around the table is not fun.

In life, this might seem banal, and this will come across as the world’s oldest cliché, but having kids will enlighten you in many ways. You will find out what is really important to you. Your free time will be severely cut down, and this will force you to recognize what you want to do with it. At the same time, general things in life will also change priorities for you as well. Unwashed dishes will line the sink. Laundry will be left on the floor. Floors will stay unvacuumed. If need be.

2. Find a good balance.
Imagine sitting down for a game of EDH. You all bring out your deck boxes, and you flip over Rafiq of the Many as your commander. The table glances at your commander, and then decide to gang up on you. You manage to bring down one opponent, and the two others quickly kill you. Did you have fun? Did the guy you took out of the game have fun? Will the two of you have fun while the two other spend forty minutes finishing up the game? Likely no. I’m not saying one shouldn’t play Rafiq of the Many as a commander, mind you. On the other side of the coin – imagine you flip over Livonya Silone and bust out your Warrior tribal deck at a cutthroat table. You’ll likely lose and quickly too. Neither of these approaches to the format is inherently wrong, but for them to be enjoyable experiences, you need to find a sort of balance in your game. In another aspect, having Magic completely taking over your life is also a bad way to live. All of us are in dire need of escapism from time to time, but staying up late at night to draft on MTGO and skipping school will have severe consequences in your near future.

The latter bit of that lesson goes for everything in your life. Working too much isn’t good either, despite the fact that you might be paid more money. Very few people lie on their death beds and say things like “I wish I’d spent more time at work”, or “I wish I’d made enough money to buy that third TV.” Overdoing any sort of interest can lead to dire consequences, some of the most noticeable are neglecting your family or other obligations, and spending too much money. Balance is key, in Magic and in life.

3. Work together.
Nobody became great all by himself or herself. Most people who achieve anything on a Magic Pro Tour do so with a team of play testers, brewers, and other people behind them. Casually, nobody ever plays a good game of EDH by themselves – we’re in this together, and sometimes we need to work together to enhance our experience or create the best sort of outcome. Probably my biggest take away from Magic not only as a game but as an experience, is the game’s fantastic community. More specifically, I’m talking about the Swedish website and community SvenskaMagic, a website I’ve spent countless of hours on. It’s been suffering from losing traffic to Facebook in later years, but it’s still a home for any Scandinavian player of the game (or anyone really). I came to the website in search of cards, and I found a community of genuinely friendly people willing to help each other out. Similarly, Magic is what brought together the group of friends I had in secondary school, and unlike most people, I’m still friends with these fellows fifteen years later. Sure, some people have come and gone, but there’s still a strong core of friends who hang out almost every week.

Outside Magic, co-operation is what has made humanity great. It’s what separate us from other animals, really – our ability to cooperate in large-scale flexible formations. Cooperation is also key to any relationship, and to surviving the first year as a parent. Realizing that you are not alone in your task of taking care of a new human being is a very important first step, and might not come to everyone as intuitively as it might sound. It’s easy to point fingers and try and correct each other, but I’ve found that most of the successes are due to strong cooperation.

4. Enjoy yourself.
The single best aspect of Magic as a game is its inherent flexibility. You want to challenge yourself at a tournament against the best players you can find? Go ahead! You want to build casual decks and keep them in a box like a board game and bust them out twice a year? Fine! You want to start an EDH league at your local store and play Commander every Friday night? Shoot! Any of these, and countless other ways, are all perfectly fine ways to play Magic, and what’s great is that it’s completely up to each and every one of us to find the way we enjoy the game most. The advent of playing online means even niche formats are perfectly fine, you will always find someone to play with you, even if that person might be half a world away. The single most important thing about playing Magic is making sure one enjoys oneself – otherwise it is all for naught. Playing the game when it’s a chore might be something pros do in preparation of a large tournament, but even then enjoyment arise from competing at the game’s highest level and hopefully winning.

Another blatant cliché: Life without enjoyment truly is life without living. Magic can be a large part of your enjoyment, and that’s perfectly fine, as long as one doesn’t over do it (as per lesson 2). This might also sound like an intuitive no-brainer, but people in general are often far too unhappy, due to many, many things. Life means often taking on tasks that might be boring or not enjoyable – the alternative would be disastrous, but I think that at least when it comes to leisure time, everyone should focus on enjoying themselves above all. Stopping for a second in your everyday life and asking yourself “Am I enjoying this?” is a simple thing to do, and if the answer too often is “No”, then something might need to be changed.

And that’s it. I can’t promise I will write more in the future, it’s all up to someone who’s not even old enough to stand up by herself yet to decide. I am still very much enjoying playing the game, and I have a bunch of new decks I would like to gush about, but time is a precious commodity these days. If I find someone will read this and like this, then of course I’ll make more of an effort, if not, I at least enjoyed writing this piece.

What lessons have Magic taught you? Are any of these useful in your life? Comment below!

Showdown: Tarkir, part 1


The latest episode of the Drive to Work Podcast, by Mark Rosewater, is entitled “Showdown: Ravnica”, and in it he compares the guild mechanics from each of the Ravnican guild in the original Ravnica and the Return to Ravnica block – and declares a winner. I like the idea, but I’m not a huge fan of Ravnica compared to Tarkir, so I want to do the same thing but with the Tarkir clan mechanics. Rosewater compared the abilities from a design standpoint, but I will compare them from a player’s perspective, since I’m a player and not a designer.

abzanbattlepriestAbzan/Dromoka: Outlast vs. Bolster
The really interesting bit about these two mechanics isn’t really the mechanics themselves, but rather the “cares about +1/+1 counters”-cards, which really make both of them tick. In outlast, these were plenty, and they played really well with each other in limited. I’ve even used them to build and EDH deck around them, and the deck was really fun, even though I haven’t played it in a long while: Anafenza Fun with Counters, on TappedOut.net. Outlast also has a tactical aspect, which rewards skillful play and planning, and I like that.

Bolster, however, does not have any of these cards that also care about the counters it makes, and while one could argue it is equally difficult to play with as outlast, it offers less control. It’s more about casting creatures in the proper order, and casting spells before combat rather than after, both of which offer less interesting game states than outlast, in my opinon. They play really well with each other though, all things considered.

Point goes to: Outlast!

monasteryswiftspear.fullJeskai/Ojutai: Prowess vs. Rebound
Both of these are spell-based and they, like outlast and bolster above, they play really well with each other. I was very unexcited about Clan Jeskai before Khans of Tarkir was released, and Prowess didn’t change that for me. It felt like a really boring mechanic, and I envisioned myself having a tough time building around it in limited without screwing up the balance between creatures and other spells. Rebound is a returning mechanic from Rise of the Eldrazi and while some people seem to like it, I’ve always found it quite boring. It’s pretty powerful, at least on the rare cards, but it’s a bit unexciting. I’ve also found that many many times you’re not casting the same spell twice, but rather, you’re casting a good spell the first time and a bastardized light version of that spell in your next turn. It also comes with a hefty price tag.

So, both mechanics are unexciting to me at face value, but while rebound has some playability in EDH in cards like Consuming Vapors, cards like Monastery Swiftspear absolutely crushed in Legacy and Modern when it was released, and Monastery Mentor still sees plenty of play in Vintage of all formats. On top of that, prowess has become an evergreen mechanic, making a splash in most every set since, and being arguably the first proper combat ability properly aligned with the Izzet colours. I was so wrong about prowess beforehand, it’s not even funny. It plays really well in practice, in many formats, including limited and constructed ones. Perhaps the boost is a bit too small to be relevant in my format of choice, but then again, Shu Yun is a deck.

Point goes to: Prowess!

And that’s it for this time! Next time, we’ll settle the fights between Delve vs. Exploit, Raid vs. Dash, and Ferocious vs. Formidable, so stay tuned!

What do you think of my choices? Am I right, am I wrong?


Creature Type: Sorcery´s Raging Goblin Collection!

moment with pm

Today I want to show off my Raging Goblin Collection! And I tell a short history on how it all started. So dive in! It wont take long!



Now, do you collect any special card or cards? Any card with special meaning to you? Let us know! 😀

Queen Marchesa, Monarchs and keywords!

conspiracy banner

By now, we all know that Kaya killed Brago, and after Brago was dethroned (hah!), the one who usurped him was Marchesa, the Black Rose, who was also present for the original Conspiracy set. Today, her card was revealed, and it is indeed very interesting:


So, on face value, she’s a 3/3 Deathtouch, haste creature for four, in the Mardu colours. This is pretty neat for Mardu in EDH, even if she’s terribly overshadowed by other offensive powerhouses like Zurgo Helmsmasher and Kaalia of the Vast. Deathtouch means she’s a lot better on defense, however.

Further, she uses the new keyword “monarch” twice – and while exact rules aren’t quite known yet, it seems to be an emblem-like state in that being “monarch” doesn’t grant you a permanent which can be destroyed, but it can be removed, contrary to emblems. Here’s the token card used for The Monarch:


This seems like great  fun in multiplayer, and it’s sure to be useful outside of Conspiracy 2 draft, in EDH specifically. The new Marchesa is a Phyrexian Arena on a stick in colours that are more than capable of keeping creatures off their backs. Mardu has all the best spot removal in the format, and it also comes with neat tricks such as Ghostly Prison and their like.

So far, we’ve only seen a few cards that interact with the monarch state, but I think it has great promise, and Marchesa makes me want to build a Mardu political deck full of neat value cards and utility removal.

Lastly, the fact that we have a true Monarchy of Roses brings joy to my heart:

What do you think of Queen Marchesa and monarchy? Leave a comment!